Saturday, April 7, 2007

Someone didn't get the memo!

Dr. Gray, (the Kavorkian looking chap on the left), you know the guy, the hurricane predicitor. Now this guy has unimpeachable credentials, yet some whipper-snappers are sitting in the halls of science calling him an old fool.

So, if you are to believe the stupidity of the Global Droners, then one should conclude that Dr. Gray's hurrican predictions, consistently the most accurate science to date is all bogus.

You see, unlike the Global Droner's "science" which is based on losely controlled studies, unrepeatable theory, and little imperical evidence, Dr. Gray uses proven methodology to predict the number of hurricanes and their strengths with remarkable accuracy.

I think I'll put my money on Dr. Gray not "Dr. Gore."

Forecaster Blasts Gore on Global Warming

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