Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Breck Girl's Hypocrisy

Remember when you were a kid, well for some of us who lived back in the day when there was little government intrusion, your dad would tell you "Don't ever drink and drive or....." while he had a cold one between his legs on the way home from the beach? It's sort of like that.

Is anyone surprised that John Edwards is a hypocrite? I think not. I mean, this is what you've come to expect from those that profess to be liberal. To be honest, I don't even think John Edwards is a liberal Democrat. I think he's pretty much in politics as a hobby, something to kill time and feel important about.

Seriously, how can one believe that John Edwards is "for the children" when he spends $1,200 for a haircut and once told a jury that he channeled an unborn girl to win a case? The only thing less contrite than Edward's ability to talk to the undead is his position on GOREBAL Warning.

Remember, GOREBAL Warning is a "WE" problem not a "THEY" problem. So when Edward's claims “I think Americans are actually willing to sacrifice,” he really means, "WE" not "THEY." And it's awful nice that Edward's is building a high efficiency 26,000 square foot mansion. I mean, we wouldn't want him to be accused of the "carbon slavery" of his butlers, maids, and grounds keepers.

By: Ben Smith


Anonymous said...

Yes, I do remember my dad driving with a beer between his legs. And we used to pick up hitch hikers, too!

Gore was the same way. After he won his award there were many articles posted about the costs of heating his home. Hypocrites! It's what gives you something to blog about, tho.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does!