Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Someone is going to be off the Left's Christmas card list!

Boy, the enivronmentalists are going to be pissed. This is a great article with a common sense approach to the rationale of climate change. The authors are dead on! Something that I've been saying for years, except I don't have a PHD.

Fact is, the Earth is a very complex ecosystem. To say that "winter's in Maine are not what they used to be," or to take data from selected weather stations and apply it to the entire planet is far from science.

As per the article....

Bjarne Andresen says, an an expert of thermodynamics. "A temperature can be defined only for a homogeneous system. Furthermore, the climate is not governed by a single temperature. Rather, differences of temperatures drive the processes and create the storms, sea currents, thunder, etc. which make up the climate".

Doesn't that pretty much some up the debate? If the climate is not governed by a single temperature, it most likely is not governed by a single cause. We are led to believe in the chaos of mediocre news stories reporting opinion not fact, that humans are singularly responsible and had we not repent for our "environmental sins" we will surely be doomed to the firey graves of hell! Dumb.

But here is the reality of it all. If you read this article and not come away questioning the science behind the gloom and doom trolls of the environmentalist movement, then there is little hope for you.

He explains that while it is possible to treat temperature statistically locally, it is meaningless to talk about a a global temperature for Earth. The Globe consists of a huge number of components which one cannot just add up and average. That would correspond to calculating the average phone number in the phone book.

Another "must read," unless of course you're content in your misery.

Climate scientist sees cover-up
By Eric Pfeiffer
March 20, 2007

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