Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ahh..the 70's, I remember it well. Bell bottoms, tight shirts, the Village People, and pre-AIDS sexual liberty for all! Life was grand, or so we thought...

In April 1975, Newsweek published, what is now been relegated to the "deny at all costs" files, an article that describes the cooling trend in the weather. Prominent scientists of the day were interviewed and the general consensus was "The Earth is entering the next ice age."

Now, some 22 years later, Newsweek would like the dismiss the whole matter as a fun look the the catastrophic end of all of us; you know, just a light hearted article presenting a different view of main stream science. But as Jeff Jacoby points out:

Newsweek took rather a different line in 1975. Then, the magazine reported that scientists were "almost unanimous" in believing that the looming Big Chill would mean a decline in food production, with some warning that "the resulting famines could be catastrophic." Moreover, it said, "the evidence in support of these predictions" - everything from shrinking growing seasons to increased North American snow cover - had "begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it."

Jacoby then really puts the puts the boots to the throat of Newsweek "journalist" John Meacham.

What is brilliant about Jacoby's article is, he lays the foundation as to why anyone with half a mind (are you listening to me ITO?) should view the GOREBAL Warning shenanigans with a great deal of inredulity.

Why the relentless labeling of those who point out weaknesses in the global-warming models as "deniers," or agents of the "denial machine," or deceptive practitioners of "denialism?" Wouldn't it be more effective to answer the challengers, some of whom are highly credentialed climate scientists in their own right, with scientific data and arguments, instead of snide insinuations of venality and deceit?

Isn't that what many of us on the "wrong" side of the issue have been claiming all along. Jacoby speaks to the very heart of the debate, that it is just that, a debate! When is science going to prove/disprove the link between humans and climate change? The answer is simple, we're not.

To ALGORE and his ilk, the truth is not profitable; how often do we get told at how profitable "going green" is? Just look at ALGORE's own bank account! How much do you think the rotund prophet of eco-doom has made since leaving office?! And why doesn't ALGORE want to run for President? The answer is simple, he can't afford the pay cut!

Jacoby concludes his article with this quote:

"The greatest dangers to liberty," Justice Louis Brandeis wrote, "lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."

Amen brother!

Hot tempers on global warming
By Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe

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