Wednesday, November 21, 2007

From One Dork to Many Dorks

When your good friend that has bought into the GOREBAL Warning dilirium, simply say, "It's o.k. man, even scientists get it wrong." Yes, we all have a responsibility to pull our friends from the chaos that is carbon reduction.

Hell, I even advocate an intervention! Take your buddy up to the camp, cut some trees, make a bonfire, eat foods from the furthest reaches of the earth, and ride your four-wheelers all over hell! At the end of the weekend, you can breath easy knowing you did your part in two ways; 1. You "stuck it to the man." and 2. you saved your friend from wussification. EVERYONE WINS!

This article desribes how one nerd with a 56.6 modem and an Excel spreadsheet found an error in NASA's data findings. From what I've gathered, the "blogger of fame" is a Canadian (which doesn't speak well of America's standing in the space race) but I regress.

Of course the media and NASA down play the error because hey, who wants to admit they are not checking facts, doing cross-refrencing, and drinky copious amounts of Kool-Aid from sippy cups?

But as per the article, these "slight" changes in data are actually significant changes to the tired old arguments:

Further adjustments were made to the US data this year to take into account new information and new interpretations of how it should be adjusted. This meant that 1934 took over from 1998 as the hottest year on record in the US, and 1921 moved into third place above 2006.

Blogger forces Nasa to admit global warming figures error

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