Thursday, December 27, 2007

Crazy is still crazy, not matter what it looks like!

It's been a little bit since my last post. I did a very good job expanding my carbon footprint by eating my fair share of turkey, gravy, stuffing; I even opted for Idaho potatos because they have to travel much further to get to my dinner table, than the ones grown here in Maine.

The picture illustrates an important lesson, that no matter how good things may appear, they are what they are. My first wife is a good example of looks being deceiving!

David Lindorff, takes a very cheerful approach to the reluctance of those who, like myself, regard climate change as a natural phenomenon, not human induced; he would like us to drown!

In keeping with the "peace on earth" and all that other ho-hum jazz of the season, Lindorff suggest that the "Red" states, those who consistently vote conservative, lay in the flood plains of the south east, and coastal regions of California, so it's only natural that we die. Although, Lindorff who lives on the metropolitan east coast, suggest dikes and leavies could be built to protect, New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Why not, we saw first hand how well they worked for New Orleans!

Lindorff suggests that conservatives deserve to die, due to their inaction on climate change. Now if that's the case, why would he even bother to write about it? Seem to me he would keep the secret under wraps while he, and his cronies buy up beach front property in Oklahoma.

The important thing is that we, on the higher ground both actually and figuratively, need to remember that, when they begin their historic migration from their doomed regions, we not give them the keys to the city.

So, let me get this straight, suggesting that conservatives drown, and deserve to do so is taking the "higher ground?" Huh? Well, there you have it. To me, liberals would love the Utopia that conservatives are creating for them! Why the hate then?

Global Warming Will Save America from the Right...Eventually
by Dave Lindorff

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