Thursday, December 13, 2007

Even Global Warming causes Global Warming!

Damn it!

Well, someone did their homework, actually "This is London" did their homework, and calculated the cost, in terms of emissions, for Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary, to fly all over the world to express his deepest concerns for the environment. Apparently, concern kills!

According to This is London online, Ban Ki-Moon will be traveling from Bali to New York, adding 4,300 miles to his itinerary. And as far as irony goes....

The flight from Tokyo to New York takes him the wrong way around the world to arrive in time for the reception of a Korean concert-at Carnegie Hall, where he is the guest of honour. The concert is titled Around The World In Eighty minutes.

HUH?! Seems to me you would not want to draw attention to yourself when you're traveling back to your home country, the wrong way!

I think one of the people posting to the article sums it up best...

What’s funny is that they are contributing OUR money to “various environmentally friendly projects” to offset THEIR extravagance. - Qaton Chozeh, Detroit, Michigan

But a submission by a chap from the UK simply named Brett succinctly sums up the article..

There's something haunting, ominous and ironic about someone claiming that the world is going to end while causing it at the same time. It's like a preacher passing the collection plate for and 'end of the world fund.'


What a lot of hot air!
This is London
December 12, 2007

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