Monday, December 10, 2007

The Truth versus Opinion

Pursuit of the truth can be a dangerous journey to undertake. You may have to face demons within yourselves, and slay others along the way. You see, truth is what we believe to be true and not necessarily fact. Facts however, are laws. Laws of nature, although truisms in themselves, are also undeniable fact.

Unfortunately, this is not taught in today's learning environments. In an age where it's acceptable to get an equation half right as long as you get the concept, it's easy to pull the wool over the eyes of those willing to be deceived, not because they want to be wrong, but because they're never taught that truth is the glue that holds us all together.

The following online article was written by David Morgan, Editor-at-Large of the Tribune Papers. Morgan does an excellent job of putting together the counter-argument to much of what he calls the "glum prognosis" of the GOREBAL Warning crowd. I love the following quote from the article, and it sums up the debate very nicely...

Remember that H.L. Mencken once observed, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

And isn't that what ALGORE and his ilk are all about? Are we not being constantly told of the doom and gloom as a result of our excessive lifestyles and our insistence on the use of fossil fuels? Every day (and you can Google your way to hysteria if you'd like) we are faced with the dire consequences of western glut.

My cynicism takes it one step further...perhaps we are too comfortable in the west to be newsworthy. Maybe, perhaps, GOREBAL Warning is our punishment for not acting like Islamo Facists. I wonder what Afghanistan's and Iraq's official position is on GOREBAL Warning? Do you think that Iran will soon ship IED's to Iraq with lower emisions with a reduced "carbon footprint?"

It should be mandatory that David Morgan's article linked below be giving to every student required to watch an "An Inconvenient Truth." The truth today is far to objective and too far an important responsibility to be given to a politician who also was a journalist!

Morgan concludes his article fittingly with..

Climate change – note, it is no longer being called ‘global warming’ - has now become a multi-billion dollar industry that is being driven mostly by unsubstantiated facts and simple hypothetical models. Lobbying for environmental causes alone consumes some $1.5 billion per year, according to Myron Ebell who works for the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC.

Remember: Gravity – it’s not consensus. It’s the law.

Global Warming – Since When, and Says Who?
By David Morgan

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